Friday, May 15, 2009

Meanings Of Semi Precious Stones

Meanings assigned semiprecious stones, or "gemstone lore", developed from mankind's need to influence surroundings, protect against illness and understand the world beyond tribe, hamlet, village or town. Understanding the meaning behind semi precious stones, opens a window to the past and adds interest to a gift.


The color or natural qualities of a stone play a role in their naming. According to Valuable Stones (see Resources), "Diamond" is derived from the Greek word adamus, meaning unyielding. Amethyst comes from the Greek word amethystus, which means not drunk. An amulet containing amethyst is thought to prevent or cure inebriation.


Astrologers in early societies created magical associations between stones and astrological signs. The characteristics associated with each astrological sign were thought to influence personality development. These associations and their influences have survived, assigned to each month of the modern calender year.


According to Charms of Light, semi precious stones have been used as protection against harm. An example is Tiger's Eye, believed to dispel fear, anxiety and allowing the wearer greater confidence (see Resources). The wearer takes on personality traits associated with tigers.


Semi precious stones have been used to guard against illness and cure addiction. It isn't unusual for present day New Age spiritualists and holistic health practitioners to include semi precious stones in their natural health care programs. Semi precious stones of the quartz family are used most often.


Stones like Lapis Lazuli are cherished for their beauty or unusual characteristics. While some were used to adorn the powerful and wealthy, other semi precious stones were the legal tender of ancient times.

Tags: precious stones, semi precious stones, against illness, associated with, been used, from Greek