Friday, February 13, 2009

Define Ichthammol

Define Ichthammol

Ichthammol, also known as ichthyol or ammonium ichthosulfonate, is a reddish brown to black ointment used to treat common skin disorders such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. Ichthamol has fungicidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How Ichthammol Is Made

Merrriam-Webster's dictionary describes ichthammol as being "prepared from a distillate of bituminous schists by sulfonation followed by neutralization with ammonia."


Ichthammol ointment is a thick, dark liquid with a distinct, rather unpleasant smell. Because of its appearance, it is also known as "black drawing salve."

Paul Gerson Unna

The German dermatologist Paul Gerson Unna is credited with introducing ichthammol as a treatment for skin problems in 1886.

Treatment for Ear Infections

Together with glycerol, ichthammol is an effective treatment for swimmer's ear, because of its antibacterial properties as well as the dehydrating action of the glycerol.

Other Uses

Ichthammol is used to draw out splinters and poisons from bug bites. It is also used to treat skin conditions such as boils, acne and eczema.

Tags: also known, Define Ichthammol, Gerson Unna, Paul Gerson, Paul Gerson Unna, used treat