Monday, February 16, 2009

Morning Sickness Cures

50% to 80% of all pregnant women suffer from morning sickness

Many women suffer from morning sickness through the first part of their pregnancy, others suffer from it through their entire pregnancy. So even though it's called morning sickness, it doesn't mean it will go away after the morning. Different methods work for different people, so it will come down to trial and error to find what works for you.

General Diet Tips

Eating several small meals throughout the day rather than a few larger ones may be easier on your system. Foods that are high in protein can keep your stomach feeling full, and sometimes it helps to have a high-protein snack right before you go to bed to keep morning sickness at bay. Peanut butter or meat and cheese are good things to have on hand. Never allow your stomach to be empty and you may find sufficient relief.

Drink plenty of fluids, because throwing up a lot can easily dehydrate you. If you get to the point where you cannot keep fluids down without vomiting, talk to your doctor immediately.

Avoid spicy foods that can cause heartburn and worsen the situation. Heartburn can irritate your system and cause nausea and vomiting, which is the last thing you need. Stick to bland foods that won't irritate your system and avoid grease as well.


Ginger has been proven to help stave off nausea. Gingersnaps and ginger ale are good foods to have on hand. There are also candies and ginger supplements you can buy to alleviate the sickness if needed.

Take a Nap

Lie flat on your bed in the dark if morning sickness becomes suddenly too much. This can help your body to rest and reset. Your body needs plenty of rest during pregnancy so taking a nap is a good idea anyway. When you get up, make sure you rise from the bed slowly, as getting up too fast can cause light-headedness.

Salt and Peppermint

Salt and peppermints can help fight off nausea. Saltines and other salty snacks may help you make it through the day. Keep peppermint hard candies close by to suck on when you start feeling ill.


If your morning sickness is getting to be too much to handle, your doctor can prescribe pills that may help you. Do not take any medications without consulting with your doctor first.

Tags: morning sickness, suffer from, your doctor, your system, from morning