Friday, October 15, 2010

What Does It Take To Be An Actress

Acting is a desirable field of work for a large number of people. However, because there is so much competition, it is often difficult to break into this industry. Actresses who are persistent, work hard, meet the right people and obtain the necessary accomplishments will have a better chance at success.


Actresses can find jobs the major storytelling venues such as TV, theater and film. The industry recognizes two types of actors: amateur and professional. Amateur actors are usually not trained. They take small, non-speaking roles and have no industry representation. They are often called extras, and play parts that are generally referred to as background or atmosphere. Professional actresses usually undergo intensive training. Their goal is to build a strong career and they are more discerning about the types of roles they accept.


Think about moving to Los Angeles or New York to advance your acting career. Considered the centers of the acting industry, these cities are the eventual destinations for actors who are looking for success and fame. New York was once the movie capital of the world until the owners of the major movie studios moved to Los Angeles. Now, New York is known for Broadway and its theaters while Los Angeles is known for Hollywood and its movie studios.


There are certain things you must have to be taken seriously as an actress. These include:

Training. Acting classes teach potential actors a large variety of techniques that they will need in their careers. Some of the things students learn are acting terms, portray a variety of emotions, project their voices, and timing. Such classes also give the students many opportunities to act in school plays and gain some experience.

Comp card. Your comp card should have a headshot of you in front and about four pictures of you in different poses at the back. The back of the card will also have your statistics, such as your height, weight and measurements.

Resume. Your resume, with your comp card attached, is your calling card. It is the first thing that agents and casting directors want to see. These people decide whether to work with you based on what you have on your resume.

Agent. It is almost impossible to secure an acting job on your own. Agents are the go-betweens in the business. It is their job to find opportunities for their clients, negotiate the best compensation and ensure that their clients receive fair treatment.

Join a union once you have acquired some professional experience. Actors unions act as a body of reckoning on behalf of its members, ensuring that they receive fair treatment and standard compensation for their work (see Resources below).


The obvious benefit of becoming an actress is the possibility of achieving fame and wealth. However, there are other benefits from this profession. For those who possess a real passion for acting, the joy of acting is reward enough. There is also the benefit of flexibility because actors can work or take a vacation when they want to. Actors also have the opportunity to travel to foreign locations depending on the requirements of the job.


Be wary of scam artists. There are companies set up for the sole purpose of duping those who are desperate to become actors. They call themselves talent companies and elicit money from innocent victims in different ways. Some of these include demanding large sums of money for client representation, for pictures taken by their own photographer and for acting classes that they provide. True Agents do not ask their clients to pay for their services ahead of time. Agents get paid when their clients do because they get a percentage of what their clients make.

Tags: their clients, that they, also have, Angeles York, fair treatment, have your