Friday, January 14, 2011

Get A Popcorn Husk Out Of Your Throat

Common throat obstructions include popcorn husks, fish bones or hard candies.

Nothing can ruin your appetite for a delicious bowl of popcorn more quickly than getting a popcorn husk caught in your throat. While the small size of a popcorn kernel makes this occurrence less urgent than a major throat obstruction, a trapped husk can nonetheless cause significant irritation. You can clear some small items using gentle, non-invasive techniques, while more stubborn pieces require medical intervention. If the husk is painful, or if the sufferer is unable to breathe or speak, seek emergency care immediately.


1. Cough and swallow repeatedly. This is your body's natural reaction to the presence of a foreign object, and may dislodge the husk.

2. Drink small sips of water. If swallowing is not painful, try gargling the water and spitting. This may wash the kernel out of your throat successfully.

3. Eat a small, soft piece of food, such as bread. This will stimulate saliva production and could help catch the object without applying significant pressure to the kernel.

4. Enlist a friend or family member to look in your throat. In a well-lit room, or with the aid of a directional lamp, open your mouth wide and depress your tongue. If your friend can see the location of the husk clearly and feels confident in his ability to reach it, allow him to gently dislodge it with a soft cotton swab. Stabilize your head against a wall and encourage your companion to work slowly and carefully. Be mindful of your gag reflex, which may cause you to move your head suddenly. If either of you is uncomfortable with this procedure, discontinue it immediately.

5. Seek a doctor if the feeling of a throat obstruction persists for more than a day, if you develop a fever or if the kernel is ever painful. Although many throat obstructions resolve themselves within a day or two, others may get infected or puncture the esophagus.

Tags: throat obstruction, throat obstructions, your head, your throat