Monday, April 8, 2013

Do Rehabilitation Sports Massage

Sports massage has physical, psychological and physiological effects and is used in the recovery of sports training or injury. Benefits include helping the damaged muscle maintain vital nutrients in blood by helping to pump the blood through the muscle and keeping the pores of the muscles open, stretching to release tension and improve elasticity, breaking down scar tissue, among others. Read on to learn more about do rehabilitation sports massage.


1. Stretch and gently manipulate the injured area to relax the muscle and ease tension.

2. Glide the palms or fingertips of the hands in long stroking motions using firm pressure from the bottom of the injured area upwards. This is called effleurage and is used to aid blood circulation. Blood circulates from your legs up to your heart so this is the directions your hands should be moving.

3. Press the thumb, fingertips, knuckles or base of the hand directly over a particular part of the injured area. Use deep pressure to relieve tightness and muscle spasms. This is technique is called friction and can be performed with an orbital massager that can be purchased. Because it can be painful, this treatment should not be used for a long period of time as it may cause inflammation.

4. Knead, roll or pinch the skin and muscles with the hands, thumbs or fingertips. This is referred to as pétrissage and helps with inflammation and increases blood circulation.

5. Depress points on the body to increase circulation, called trigger point therapy. This helps find the small areas where pain is being generated.

Tags: injured area, blood circulation