Thursday, June 30, 2011

Manage Weight

As we grow older, we may find it harder to maintain a healthy weight. Techniques we used several years ago to lose a few pounds don't work the same way now. Follow these steps to manage weight.


Manage Weight

1. Weigh yourself, and compare your current weight with your former weight. If you have reached a "normal" weight limit but still feel uncomfortable, decide on a new healthy weight goal.

2. Discuss your new weight goal with your doctor, and ask for a sensible dietary plan. When you go home, go through your kitchen cupboards, refrigerator and freezer. Take out most of the high-fat, high-sugar foods and snacks. Replace them with lower-fat, lower-calorie food items, such as fruits and veggies, crackers, low-fat cheese, sherbet, yogurt and nuts.

3. Keep a food diary for one week and find out when you eat the most. Keep track of your feelings when you ate, especially snacks. If you find yourself doing "emotional eating," find something else to do when you experience an emotion which causes you to turn to the fridge.

4. When you experience a food craving, find something to do, such as going for a walk. As you are battling the craving, try to figure out what is causing you to want a particular food right then.

5. Increase your daily exercise. If you drive a few blocks to the store, try walking, especially when you don't need to buy many things. Take up an evening walk with your partner. Take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator. Walk to lunch, or better yet, walk during lunch.

6. Weigh yourself regularly, but not on a daily basis. Your weight loss will be too slow to show measurable results, and you may become frustrated and give up on your weight management efforts. Enlist a weight loss partner or buddy to encourage you or to lose weight with you.

7. If you experience

Tags: with your, find something, healthy weight, Manage Weight, Weigh yourself