Thursday, August 25, 2011

Treatment Options For Back Problems In Dogs

There are many different treatment options for back problems in dogs.

Just as back problems are common in human adults, they are also common in dogs, especially in Dachshunds and Pekingese. In dogs, back problems can be attributed to cancer, a pulled muscle, bone fractures, an enlarged prostate, or a slipped disc--the most common cause. Regardless of the problem causing the discomfort, there are many different treatment options available.


One option for treatment of back problems in dogs is the administering of anti-inflammatory medications such as cortisone to relieve pain and swelling of the spinal cord. Muscle relaxants and other pain medications also may be prescribed. Cage rest will at times be recommended to allow the spine to fully heal and to prevent injuries from getting worse. Severe or long-term spinal problems can require surgery.


Acupuncture is the use of small, fine needles to stimulate a body to begin healing itself. This treatment method is used to treat conditions and disorders such as muscle and skeletal abnormalities, neurological illnesses, or reproductive problems in males and females. According to veterinarian Dr. Brian T. Voynick, veterinary acupuncture can help strengthen the immune system in animals, can improve the function of organ systems, and can relieve pain caused by back problems. Simple injuries or problems may only need one acupuncture treatment, but if a problem is slightly more complex, it may take more than one treatment to improve the issue.

Laser Surgery

Laser surgery is another option for treating back problems in dogs. The Oklahoma State University Center for Veterinary Health Sciences offers laser disc ablation surgery to canine patients. This surgery is supposed to help in the prevention of recurring disc herniation issues. Laser surgery is intended for dogs that are experiencing only normal back pain, not for dogs with a diagnosis or signs of more severe spinal issues, such as spinal compression. Those issues may require more drastic surgeries or treatments than the laser surgery can provide.

Nutritional Supplements

Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants that have proven to be effective for dogs with back problems. They protect cells from damage. There are also other nutrients that are effective for treating back problems or back pain in dogs, such as zinc, magnesium, and copper.

Some dog owners may prefer more natural remedies for treating back problems in dogs, such as herbal and homeopathic remedies. Some of these include Feverfew, which is a natural herb anti-inflammatory and a very common herbal pain remedy. Skullcap is another very effective herbal pain relieving medication as is Licorice, used as an anti-inflammatory. Other natural remedies include cayenne, ginger, turmeric and yucca.

Tags: back problems, problems dogs, back problems, back problems dogs, treating back