Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chigong Exercises And Movements

Chi-Gong---also known as Qigong---exercises transcend the worlds of martial arts, health and fitness and spirituality. Practitioners tout its health benefits, and martial artists in particular claim its practice aids in strength and endurance.


Chi-Gong has been practiced in China for thousands of years, dating back to before 1100 B.C. It has since gone through several stages, the latest beginning in the early 20th century, with the amalgamation of a number of Chi-Gong styles.


There have been several phases of Chi-Gong study through the ages, spiritual, meditative, medical and martial being the most common. All emphasize abdominal breathing.


All Chi-Gong styles recognize that the body includes different paths of energy, called meridians. Chi-Gong practitioners seek to harness the energy in those meridians.


Chi-Gong practitioners make many claims of health benefits, including improved circulation, improved respiratory system, increased flexibility and decreased stress.


Although Chi-Gong emphasizes gentle movements, as with any exercise program, be careful when beginning a Chi-Gong regimen; it is always best to consult with a doctor before beginning any exercise routine.

Tags: Chi-Gong practitioners, Chi-Gong styles, health benefits