Monday, October 8, 2012

Lotus Plant Oil Treatment

Lotus plant

The word lotus brings the thought of peace and tranquility to most people's minds. This is the effect that this product, as a plant oil, has on people who use it for health or beauty purposes. Lotus plant oil has been used for respiratory problems such as asthma in the past. However, today it is primarily used in beauty regimens for scent or to soften the skin.


There are three different kinds of lotus plant oils available to consumers: one made from red lotus blossoms, another from white lotus blossoms and a third type from blue lotus blossoms. The differences in these oils are the colors and scents. The various lotus plants are found in different origins throughout the world. According to King Tut Shop, the blue lotus was native to the Nile and has round pointed petals with spotted leaves. The white lotus also has rounded petals with a round top. The red lotus was introduced to Egypt from Persia.


The lotus plant was seen as significant to may ancient cultures, including Hindus, Buddhists and other Eastern religions. The lotus is a symbol that represents peace, purity, rebirth, beauty and fertility to these religious groups. Those who follow Buddhism believe that Buddha himself slept on lotus for six months out of the year. According to Art of Tea, the color of the lotus flower varies depending on the season.

Health Uses

Lotus plant oil is said to be used to help promote tranquility and meditation. The Romans used lotus oil to help treat asthma and respiratory infections. The scent of the lotus oil helped to open up the lungs and relax the body. It acts as a common-day vapor rub to the body. The oil is used by breathing it in with deep, long breaths. The oil is also used to help keep the mind focused and the body in sync. According to Mountain Rose Herbs, the lotus plant is used in the Chinese culture to treat diarrhea, cramps, cardiac diseases and gastric ulcers. A lotus plant can also be used to treat bloody discharges, jaundice and hemorrhoids.

Beauty Uses

According to the Health Care Center, lotus oil can also be used with any regular lotions or skin care items for beauty purposes. The oil is added to lotion or skin care cosmetics when being used. The lotus adds a nice smell to the product. Some use the oil without any products and in small amounts on the skin. Along with these uses, the lotus plant oil can be used to make soaps and candles.


Before using this product for health or beauty purposes, it's best to seek professional medical advice. The product currently has no known negative side effects. However, with any new product added to skin, it may cause rash or irritation. Talking to a health professional will help to ensure that this product is right for you.

Tags: lotus plant, also used, beauty purposes, lotus blossoms, this product, blue lotus