Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lemon Oil Liver Cleanse

There are varied and different liver cleanses on the market, and one of the most popular methods is the olive oil and lemon juice cleanse. This liver cleanse can be undertaken over a three- or seven-day period depending on the convenience of the subject. Cleansing in three days is a tad more difficult and inconvenient for busy people who have work and a family to tend to, but it is more effective because the bowels are also going through a detox.

The Beginning

The first part of the cleanse is to eat lots of apples or drink apple juice in order to soften the gallstones that block the bile ducts leading to and from the liver and gallbladder. The second part involves drinking a cup of acidic lemon juice and olive oil. This causes the liver to flush bile into the bowels, in turn pushing out gallstones and toxins.

Three-Day Liver Cleanse

If you'd like to get the cleanse over quickly, the three-day liver cleanse might be perfect for you. First, consume as many organic apples, apple juice and even apple cider vinegar as you can. Make sure the apple products are freshly squeezed from organic apples or, if you are buying store juice, make sure it is organic, with absolutely no additives. If you cannot find or afford organic apples, scrub the skin off regular apples very thoroughly under hot water to remove all traces of pesticides before consuming. During these three days, do not eat any other food.

Seven-Day Liver Cleanse

If the seven-day cleanse seems more manageable for you, drink squeezed or organic apple juice and apple cider vinegar during the seven days. A 1/2 gallon per day is recommended. During these seven days, do not consume meat, wheat products, sugar or dairy. Try and stay away from caffeine and cigarettes. The goal is to have only alkaline-forming foods, which help detox the body.

The Final Day

Just before bed, on the last day of the cleanse, mix 1/2 cup of unrefined, room temperature extra-virgin olive oil with 1/2 cup of fresh-squeezed, room temperature organic lemon juice. If possible, use a blender. If you don't have a blender, vigorously shake the mixture in a jar with a lid. Drink the entire concoction quickly. If the taste disagrees with you, plug your nose and drink it as fast as you can. It is common to feel nauseated but don't worry. Lie on your right side, holding your knees up to your chest for 30 minutes. In the morning, you will probably have a big experience on the toilet. It's common to see light to dark green balls or blobs. They are normally the size of a sunflower seed.

Prune Juice and the Cleanse

Whether you are dong the three- or seven-day liver cleanse, prune juice is an essential ingredient. On the last day of the cleanse, before dinner, drink a cup of prune juice. The juice will help move your bowels the following morning.

Tags: apple juice, lemon juice, organic apples, apple cider, apple cider vinegar