Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Symptoms Of The Herpes Simplex 2

There are two types of herpes. Herpes simplex 1, also called oral herpes, is less severe than herpes simplex 2, also called genital herpes. Once herpes simplex 2 is contracted, it never goes away. It is spread through sexual contact and even if there are no symptoms evident, you can still spread it.

First Signs

Some of the first symptoms that appear with herpes 2 are chills, fever, headaches and muscular weakness. They usually last for a couple of days.


Boil-like lesions can form around the male and female genital areas. They end up spreading, breaking open and then scabbing over; the ooze from these sores is highly contagious.

Lymph Nodes

The lymph nodes, especially around the neck and genital areas can become swollen and sore.


The urinary tract of the vagina and penis can also show symptoms. Urination can become painful.


A discharge can be seen at the vagina and penis.

Tags: also called, genital areas, simplex also, simplex also called, vagina penis