Friday, July 5, 2013

How Quickly Does Dostinex Work

Dostinex is the brand name for the generic drug cabergoline and is a drug that must be taken regularly in order for the user to see its benefits. Generally, patients begin with a low dosage of Dostinex, with the dosage increased over a period of several months in order to keep side effects to a minimum. Bodybuilders who use steroids like nandrolones and trenbolones often suffer from impotence, and Dostinex can be taken to resolve lowered sex drive and enhance the libido. Dostinex is also used by some athletes because, as a dopamine agonist, it has been reported to enhance learning new motor skills so the user can learn and retain the skill faster. Dostinex has also been used as a sleep aid and as an anti-depressant.

Uses and Dosage

Dostinex is administered by doctors for the treatment of hormonal problems that cause unusual production of breast milk (hyperprolactinemia). It works to decrease the production of a hormone (prolactin) that generates milk production. Dostinex is an oral medication taken twice weekly with adjustments to the patient's dosage typically administered following a blood test. Standard dosage typically starts at 0.25 mg twice a week and can be increased to a maximum dosage of 1 mg twice a week for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. Some common symptoms of hyperprolactinemia that are seen in women include irregularities in the menstrual cycle and spontaneous secretion of milk. Men can suffer from hyperprolactinemia as well and can show the following symptoms: enlarged mammary glands, milk production, decreased sex drive and decreased sperm production.

Other Applications

Dostinex is also used to treat Parkinson's disease. In Parkinson's patients, the administered dosage has been as high as 11.5 mg a day in some studies and trials, far greater than the maximum recommended dosage for hyperprolactinemia patients. Other reported effects of the drug are hypersexuality, increased libido and pathological gambling. Baldness, aggressive behavior and psychotic disorders have also been reported. Typically, these adverse effects are reduced or eliminated once the dosage has been lowered.

Side Effects

Typical side effects from taking Dostinex include constipation, headache, dizziness, vomiting, unusual weakness and fatigue, drowsiness, tingling or numbness. Some unlikely but still possible side effects are mood changes and fainting. If any of the side effects occur, they should be reported immediately to a qualified health care professional. There are several medications Dostinex should not be taken with, including medications for mental or mood disorders such as chlorpromazine, promethazine, haloperidol, thiothixene, chlorprothixene, and metoclopramide. There may be other medications that can have harmful interactions with Dostinex, and it is recommended that the patient review all currently prescribed drugs with a doctor before taking Dostinex.

Some of the resulting effects of the overdose of Dostinex include hallucinations, nasal congestion and variations in blood pressure.

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