Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What Are Sabona Bracelets

Sabona is a company that makes magnetic and copper bracelets that it claims can improve balance and circulation and provide other health benefits. The bracelets are not only functional, but also decorative and come in a wide variety of patterns and colors. The company was founded in 1959 and have produced quality bracelets ever since.


The purpose for Sabona bracelets is to provide jewelry for men and women that also have health and circulation benefits. These health claims are the opinion of the company alone, and are not necessarily supported by medical research. The bracelets are made of a mixture of copper and magnetic metals that are designed to increase the amount of copper in the body, which is a necessary mineral for human health. Some people wear the bracelets to avoid joint problems or improve circulation. Other people wear the bracelets simply as a fashion accessory for looks alone.


There are several types of Sabona bracelets. The bracelets are made for women and men. The bracelets come designed for fashion, sports, western and athletic activities. The women's bracelets look like ordinary silver or gold bracelets. Some have gems and rocks added to the bracelet for a more delicate appearance. The men's bracelets are utilitarian and do not look feminine. The sports bracelets look like the rubber bracelets worn by many athletes. The western bracelets have a western flair with the use of turquoise, cows and other western images.


Sabona started in 1959 and was one of the first companies to make magnetic and copper bracelets for medicinal and fashion use. Sabona has used a high quality of materials and craftsmanship from its beginning and has not stopped producing quality items since. Sabona has kept up with the fashion trends of each decade and offers a wide variety of styles and patterns for nearly every taste. Sabona offers products to the U.K. and to the United States.

Health Benefits

The company of Sabona claims that there are some health benefits to the use of copper or magnetic bracelets. However, there are some times when using the bracelets are not advised, such as during pregnancy or if you have a pacemaker or some other medical equipment that could be destroyed by the presence of a magnet. The company cites research on its site that supports the idea that copper is absorbed through the skin, and that while wearing the bracelet, enough copper is absorbed into the skin to almost reach the recommended intake of daily copper of 1.5 milligrams.

Tags: bracelets look, bracelets look like, bracelets made, copper absorbed, copper bracelets, copper magnetic