Thursday, February 27, 2014

Removing dog urine smell in concrete floors

Removing dog urine smell in concrete floors

I read an article somewhere that gave the reciepe for pet urine odor removal in concrete basement floors. I am in that position now, and can not remember where I found the article. Does anyone have any suggestions? me liter?? stain removal chemicals??? Let me look into this!! If you find out before I do...please let us all know! moe I had the same problem in a rental a few years ago and used a number of odor killers that worked only a bit. I remember sniffing concrete for weeks before I sealed it with a spray varnish. Seemed to do the trick. Seems to me it was Thompson's Weather proofer. Also used something that was applied with a brush. Good luck, John Have used a product called Odor-Ban with lots of success. Got it at Sam's Club. White vinegar will remove urine smells. Urine is a base. Vinegar is an acid. Mixing an acid and a base will neutralize one another and it will turn the solution to water...simple chemistry. Now use your favorite cleanser to scrub the floor. I had a cat for 20 years who would urinate on my wood floor everytime she got angry at me.( I think wood absorbs more than concrete.) A professional rug cleaning company gave me their secret. quote:Originally posted by felix: White vinegar will remove urine smells. Urine is a base. Vinegar is an acid. Mixing an acid and a base will neutralize one another and it will turn the solution to water...simple chemistry. Now use your favorite cleanser to scrub the floor. I had a cat for 20 years who would urinate on my wood floor everytime she got angry at me.( I think wood absorbs more than concrete.) A professional rug cleaning company gave me their secret. Would the vinegar work on carpet or would it bleach the carpet? Add water to it? Spray the vinegar/water on the carpet and let it sit for awhile than shampoo? Any ideas for getting the stain out of carpet left over from cat poop? Seems impossible to get out. Thanks ahead of time for any help you can give me. I have to take care of this aweful dog urine smell from a basement floor. But before I use this white vinegar recipe (as vinegar has a very strong lasting smell), has anyone tried this and have it really work? Thanks Chris I have two little dogs who seemed to have urinated under my dining room table, I can see the spots with the black light, will the stains come out, or do I just stop the odor? Hi Animalfriend, You don't say what the flooring is - carpet, hardwood, vinyl, laminate? Newt I tried this today and I must say it worked wonderfully! I didn't add water or anything else just white vinegar as they said to the urine stains on the concrete and the smell is gone. After a couple of hours the vinegar smell was gone as well. Thank you so much for the help. Hello, I've been reading the posts about remove pet urine from concrete. I think my situation may be a little different and I was hoping somebody could help. I live in a loft and have polished concrete floors, they aren't sealed. Unfortunatley I have some stained concrete from my dog (she has urine accidents) and cat (he leaves hairballs)!!!!! We've tried a few citrus cleaners but they seem only to fade the stains and leave them still noticable. All the info I've found has been for sidewalks, basement floors, or industrial areas. There isn't an odor any longer so, will the vinegar do the trick for stains too and what about stains that have been sitting. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Getting rid of the animals is NOT an option. concrete was pourous so it has absorbed the urine, thus the stain. Im uncertain how the concrete is polished but not sealed...most of the compounds used for polishing also seal?? But in any case. I would say the yellowing has been absobed into the concrete or it has yellowed the polishing agent. Which in any case i would remove compound and reseal. this works, I have a split level home where hte basement walks out to the back yard, there is a bedroom in the basement used as a den, i have one male cat that would constantly go to the closet and urinate, depsite his clean litter. the flooring was concrete with carpet over it. i since took the carpet out, while remodeling ect, and he snuck down there quite a few times and did it right on the cement! i poured the vinigar over the concrete and used a grill brush to scrub it into the pours, its been a few hours and now the smell is gone. it really does work, it was getting pretty bad and i was not wanting to give him up, but didnt know what to do. the new door goes up on the room soon, so he wont even be able to get back in thanks! Will white vinegar bleach out carpet?? Anyone know? I have a rental with a lanai room where a dog was kept. the carpet and pad were removed and I believe the dog was kept in the room on the bare cement floor some a period of time. I first used bleach with water, moved to Mr Clean and then used stripper to scrape off what looked like the remains of glue / tile adhesive. The urine smell persisted so I then used Kilz-pet odor sealer. The entire lanai has been repainted and recarpeted including new pad. The home is vacant and has been closed up but the realtor tells me the smell is effecting the showings. What to do? Is a black light to find the source of the smell my next step? Your black light may reveal problems along baseboards and up the walls where territory was marked. It sounds like you have done a proper job on cleaning and sealing and replacing floor covering. Urine odor is most noticeable on warm, humid days. You may have to remove baseboards and prime and seal and bottom of walls. Prime and seal baseboards and replace or replace with new. Hey guys I got two dogs, piss and poop, on the floor, poop stains are ok. but, i have no carpet just painted concrete. .I've tried bleach ,vinegar, and regular soap...I can get smoe stains gone, but it leaves a filmy, slick residue, how can I combat getting the stains, smell, and the sticky residue gone? Vinegar? Thatscute, have you tried the floor stripper like Bally23 did? Newt depending on the paint used on the floor..i wouldnt do the if this is going to be a regular cleaning...stripper will get expensive and will leave a sticky residue if not rinsed.. i would get a enzyme cleaner apply let dwell..then wet vac up and rinse..then wet vac that up Don't you take your dogs outside? Why are they going inside anyway? I hope they're not left on some cold concrete floor all day long. Originally Posted by ;57796 I read an article somewhere that gave the reciepe for pet urine odor removal in concrete basement floors. I am in that position now, and can not remember where I found the article. Does anyone have any suggestions? The only thing I have ever heard that really works well is call OdorZyme. I found it online. I don't think it is sold in stores. i used it on our concrete porch and also on our carpet. If you follow the directions, it works great. Hi! I used to own my own carpet cleaning business, and the best cleaner that I have ever used is called Capture. You used to only be able to buy it at commercial supply houses (and it wasn't cheap, either!) but it is now available at Home Depot Lowe's for a fraction of what it used to cost. It is highly concentrated so a little goes a long way. It does contain enzymes, so it keeps on working; we used it to clean and treat air ducts as well. I have found it to be the ONLY cleaner that has ever taken out pet urine odors, etc. It smells great and is a tough cleaner on carpet stains, etc. and yet is mild on your carpeting and fabrics. I use it for everything and swear by it. there are many cleaners out there..the most important thing is to find and control the source of the urine see what all is baseboards, drywall, fabric surfaces remove and replace what can not be saved clean and seal subfloor Maybe they have old dogs like mine that hate going out in the cold winter snow and sneak out to the back door and pee on the floor when I'm not looking. It's unsealed concrete and hard to clean. Oh and my dogs have nice warm beds to lay on and sleep in my bedroom at night.

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