Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Facts Teeth Whitening

Yellow teeth are a common dental complaint. There are many options available to whiten teeth and help give that youth bright smile that is so coveted.


There are several causes of tooth discoloration. Shades of discoloration range from pale yellow to a grainy shade of gray. The most common causes of discoloration include smoking, drinking tea, coffee and cola drinks, as well as aging and the use of certain drugs and antibiotics.

Common Treatment

Treatments include dental laser treatments, home whitening kits and specialty toothpastes. Clinical studies indicate that home dental trays, which contain a peroxide solution that breaks down and whitens the tooth in the process, work as well as dental procedures in which dentists apply a similar peroxide solution and then use a laser to facilitate the process.


Tooth whitening can cause tooth sensitivities. This includes making the teeth sensitive to hot and cold foods for a significant period of time after whitening. Other considerations are that whitening is only effective long term if the behavior which caused tooth discoloration ceases. Otherwise, the stains will return. In addition, whitening will not work on false teeth or dental work such as crowns, bridges and implants.


Specialty toothpastes are by far the most inexpensive tooth whitening options. These range from $7 to $30. Tooth whitening trays cost between $30 and $200. Dental treatments range from $500 to $900.


Most reviews of home whitening kits are favorable. These are moderately priced and are convenient for touch-ups because the trays can be reused. Convenient whitening strips have been reviewed as effective on the front teeth more so than the back ones.

Tags: range from, home whitening, home whitening kits, peroxide solution, tooth discoloration