An arm massage can be wonderful all by itself, or you can add a back and neck massage to it and give a full upper body massage. Arm massages are good for people who use their arms a lot in sports or on the job.
1. Have the person undress on top and lie down on a massage table, a bed or the floor. Position the person on his back with a pillow under his knees and another under his head. Cover the person's chest with a towel if she wishes.
2. Pour massage oil, baby oil or lotion in your hand. Rub your hands together to warm up the oil and to distribute it evenly over your palms and fingers. Use both hands to smoothly rub from the wrist up the arm and over the top of the shoulder. Repeat six times.
3. Use your thumbs to massage from the wrist to the top of the arm, using an overlapping motion. Increase
4. Lift the arm up over the person's head, allowing the elbow to bend. Push your fingers down to the elbow in a smooth flowing motion. Repeat this step four times.
5. Massage from the elbow down to the underarm, using your thumbs. Repeat three times, then do the same thing to the outside of the arm, elbow to shoulder muscle. Increase pressure with each repetition.
6. Tickle the arm lightly down from the shoulder to the wrist. This is a pleasant feeling, and gives a perfect ending to your massage.