Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Athome Cellulite Cures

Because the primary cause of cellulite is genetic, the problem is nearly impossible to eradicate. However, by losing weight and improving your skin's circulation, you can significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite. And you don't need expensive creams or machines to do it. These popular at-home cellulite cures have been used by cellulite sufferers for generations.

Improve Your Circulation

Cellulite is caused by pockets of fat that push against your skin's connective tissue. By improving your skin's circulation, you can encourage your body to reabsorb and redistribute those pockets of fat, thus reducing the appearance of dimples.

Many expensive cellulite treatments contain caffeine because, when applied to the skin, it helps improve circulation. Each day before you shower, rub fine coffee grounds--straight from your coffee machine's filter is just fine--in a circular motion on the affected area for 60 seconds. Don't be afraid to apply a lot of pressure. While the coffee's presence tightens skin, the pressure improves circulation and encourages the breakdown of fat pockets.

Vigorously scrubbing the cellulite-affected area with a soft-bristled brush can also help break up and distribute pockets of fat. Firmly sweep the brush over the affected area for 30 seconds, moving it in the direction of your heart to encourage circulation. Then firmly move the brush in a circular motion for another 30 seconds.


While cellulite is caused by genetics, not excess fat, weight loss can help to significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Aerobic exercise will help reduce your body's overall fat content, some of which is responsible for your cellulite. You should also use weight training--an increase of muscle tone always results in a decrease of cellulite. Targeting the muscle groups beneath your cellulite will tighten the skin and reduce or eradicate the cellulite.

Make It Less Noticeable

Tanning is perhaps the easiest way to reduce the appearance of cellulite. While it is more of a cover-up than a cure, when practiced in conjunction with exercise and circulation improvement it can be a useful tool. While improving skin circulation and exercising will get rid of 90 percent of the problem, the remaining 10 percent can be camouflaged by an even tan.

Tags: appearance cellulite, reduce appearance, reduce appearance cellulite, skin circulation, your skin, affected area