Friday, July 3, 2009

Prevent Arch Pain

Arch pain occurs from walking, running or participating in frequent sports activities. This pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. If you've injured your foot or strained a ligament, resting the foot and using cold compresses allow arches to heal. Using shoe inserts or purchasing special shoes for walking or running can help prevent arch pain from returning.


Prevent Arch Pain

1. Stop any activity if you experience arch pain. Return home and place a cold compress on the arch of your foot. You should do this at least three times a day for 30 minutes at a time. Take anti-inflammatory medication to prevent swelling. Rest your foot until it begins to feel better.

2. Purchase shoes that are made specifically for the sports you participate in. Running and walking shoes are designed to absorb more ground shock than regular shoes and have arch support that helps relieve some of the strain on the arches of your feet. You can find these shoes in most athletic stores or online.

3. Increase the comfort of regular shoes by purchasing cushioned inserts. Inserts can absorb ground shock and offer extra support to your arches.

4. Learn walk correctly. Many people place too much weight on the arches of their feet. If your arches ache each day, visit a chiropractor who will teach you walk correctly. Redistributing your weight relieves some of the burden on your feet.

5. Lose weight if you are overweight. Reducing the weight carried by your feet will decrease the amount of pain you feel each day.

Tags: your feet, your foot, ground shock, Prevent Arch, Prevent Arch Pain, regular shoes, walk correctly