Esophageal cancer begins in the esophagus, which is the digestive track tube that transports food to your stomach. There are two primary forms of esophagus cancer: Adenocarcinoma, which begins in the lower part and affects the cells of mucus-secreting glands; and squamous cell carcinoma, which primarily forms squamous cells on the middle of the esophagus. There are several herbs that can be used to treat these forms of esophageal cancer.
The Benefits of Herbs
Chinese herbs can be used to cure esophagus cancer individually, or in conjunction with other esophagus cancer treatments. If these herbs are taken in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation, they can potentially decrease the required time a patient will need to receive traditional forms of cancer treatment. The benefits of herbs to treat cancer are linked to antineoplactic actions that naturally reduce the size of tumors. Natural herbs are beneficial to cancer patients because, unlike chemotherapy and radiation, they do not cause damaging side-effects while they work to strengthen the immune system. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Chinese herbs can be used in to promote a higher quality of life for patients with esophagus cancer.
Chinese Herbs
Oldenlandia Diffusae (or Herba Hetyotidis) can be used to
Western Herbs
Red Clover contains isoflavone compounds that work to prevent malignant tumors. Pau D'Arco, Lapacho and Taheebo have antineoplastic actions. These herbs are usually used to treat cancer in Central and South America. Red Clover has anti-cancer/anti-tumor compounds that aid in the cure of esophagus cancer. Mistletoe is a western herb that contains anti-tumor proteins. Sweet Violet has been used for years in anti-cancer treatment. PS-SPES is used to strengthen the immune system and has anti-tumor properties. According to, green tea can also be taken daily to treat esophagus cancer, as well as aid in the prevention of esophageal cancer in patients with Barrett's esophagus. Green tea aids in repairing immunity functions, as well as preventing infections. This tea helps to treat esophagus cancer because it has a powerful antioxidant, EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), which relieves the body of dangerous toxins and works against viruses that will weaken your immune system. Because green tea is rich in bioflavonoid, it aids in fighting respiratory and digestive infections.
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