Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Promote A Healthy Pregnancy

Expecting a new baby is a time of joy and anticipation but also worry as expectant parents pray for a safe and healthy pregnancy. Not all pregnancy complications can be prevented, but many steps can promote a healthy nine months.


Promote a Healthy Pregnancy

1. Receive the proper prenatal care. Call your gynecologist as soon as you have a positive home pregnancy test result. He will schedule a initial prenatal appointment. Schedule future appointments according to the prenatal care provider's recommendations.

2. Advise your gynecologist of any medications you are on. Do not wait until your first prenatal appointment to discuss medications with your doctor as many medicines can be harmful to your baby.

3. Stop smoking and consuming alcohol before attempting to become pregnant. These habits pose potentially serious health risks to your baby. If you are still smoking or drinking alcohol when you learn you are pregnant, quit immediately.

4. Reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. Caffeine is not good for you nor your baby. Some studies suggest that too much caffeine might be a factor in miscarriages. If you are not able to cut caffeine out of your diet entirely, you should drink no more than the equivalent of one or two cups of coffee per day.

5. Start healthy eating habits immediately. Eating a well-balanced diet is essential when pregnant. If you are not sure what you should be eating, consult your physician. Avoid processed meats and other foods that use unnatural chemicals for processing. Many types of seafood should also be avoided when pregnant due to the mercury levels.

6. Try to get proper rest. There are times during a pregnancy when you are more tired than others. Make every effort to get extra rest. Listen to your body and take a break when you are feeling overly tired or are just not feeling well.

Tags: your baby, Healthy Pregnancy, prenatal appointment, prenatal care, Promote Healthy