Thursday, September 20, 2012

Find The Best Life Diet Approved Foods

Bob Greene's Best Life Diet promotes eating as many natural foods as possible. There's an emphasis on high-fiber complex carbohydrates, protein, fruits and vegetables. Bob Greene has teamed up with several food manufacturers to get a Best Life seal on healthy products. It makes it easier to buy Best Life Diet-approved foods when you're in the grocery store.


1. Look for the Best Life seal throughout the grocery store. You'll find it on items ranging from pasta, breads, cereals, teas, oils, soups and snacks.

2. Check the ingredients in the bread aisle. Some breads claiming to be multi-grain or 7-grain, have no whole grain in them. Instead, get bread made with 100 percent whole grains.

3. Wrap your sandwich. The Best Life Diet's seal is on Flat-Out wraps. They come in multigrain, chipotle, Italian herb, brown sugar and other flavors.

4. Choose a high fiber cereal. The Diet backs Total, Wheaties, Cheerios, Fiber One, Raisin Bran and Honey Nut O's cereals.

5. Walk through the frozen food aisle, keeping an eye out for frozen fruit and vegetables. The Beat Life Diet seal can be found on Cascadian Farm and Green Giant foods.

6. Buy Fiber One bars if you want a snack. They come in chocolate and oats and peanut butter and oats varieties. Another snack option is Wasa Crispbreads.

Tags: Best Life, Life Diet, Best Life Diet, Best Life seal, Diet seal