Breast binding is the process of flattening breasts to the chest in order to conceal them or simply to create a different silhouette. It may be an expression of gender identity or used for costuming purposes. While tight breast binding creates a flatter silhouette, it can cause shortness of breath, so always bind loosely enough that you can breathe. If you experience discomfort from breast binding, remove it and bind more loosely.
ACE Bandage Method
1. Remove all
2. Push your breasts to either side of your body, toward your armpits.
3. Tuck one end of a wide ACE bandage under your arm.
4. Wrap the bandage
5. Secure the end of the bandage with one or two safety pins.
6. Put on your clothes.
Pantyhose Method
7. Cut the legs off of a pair of control-top pantyhose, leaving a tube of fabric.
8. Remove the clothes from your upper body.
9. Pull the tube cut from the pantyhose over your head and down around your torso. The elastic from the pantyhose keeps your breasts flat.
10. Put on your clothes.
Tags: your body, around your, around your torso, breast binding, clothes from, from pantyhose