Friday, May 17, 2013

Reasons For Breast Reductions

In this society that is geared toward a bigger-is-better attitude, breast surgery is usually to enlarge breasts, not reduce them. As with all surgeries, risks (scarring and anesthesia complications) and considerations (hospitalization and recovery time) are possible. However, for a woman who is having trouble leading a normal life because of her large breasts, this surgery may be the answer.


The Mayo Clinic states that pain is the number one reason why women ask for a breast reduction surgery. Large breasts cause back pain, shoulder pain and generalized pain throughout the body. The pain is caused by the pressure the breasts put on the upper body. Because of the sheer weight of large breasts, the body has to compensate for the imbalance. This compensation negatively affects the posture.


Because of the skin-on-skin contact under large breasts, heat rash can occur. While a bra may minimize the chance of this happening, a breast reduction surgery is much more effective. The rash in itself is usually nothing more than a nuisance, but the area can become raw, which increases the likelihood of an infection developing.


For athletes and women who are active, large breasts may get in the way of staying active. In this case, the breasts increase the probability that the woman will become less active, causing her to become overweight or less fit than she would be after the reduction.

Self Esteem

A woman with incredibly large breasts may be self conscious. This is partially because she may think people are always focusing on her breasts. Her self-consciousness can also be caused by an inability to find tops and blouses that fit properly.

Breathing Trouble

In extreme cases, large breasts may cause breathing problems. This happens when the breasts put a considerable amount of pressure on the ribs and chest. When this is coupled with the slouching common to women with large breasts, the woman is faced with twice the problems, as the slouching is putting pressure on her diaphragm.

Tags: large breasts, breast reduction, breast reduction surgery, breasts cause, reduction surgery