Friday, May 10, 2013

Tmj Headache Symptoms

The American Dental Association estimates that more than 15 percent of American adults experience facial pain, including Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ. This condition occurs when the joints, bones and muscles of the jaw malfunction. Sufferers experience pain when eating or talking. In severe cases, people experience TMJ headache symptoms in addition to the ones that affect the mouth, illustrating the interconnection between all areas of the face.


A common TMJ headache symptom includes migraine headaches. Migraines occur because of the pressure placed on the joints in the jaw.

Cluster Headaches

The American Academy of Family Physicians defines cluster headaches as sudden burst of pain behind one eye. As a TMJ headache symptom, it will occur on the side of the face that exhibits the greatest pressure on the jaws.

Hair and Scalp Pain

TMJ headache symptoms cause pain in the hair and scalp, making this area of the head sensitive to the touch.

Sinus Headache

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons states that sinus headaches are TMJ symptoms, which includes ear aches and runny noses. Sinus-like symptoms occur because the ears, nose and mouth all connect with one another.

Back of the Head

TMJ headache symptoms include headaches in the back of the head. These headaches can be mild or severe with shooting pains in the back of the skull.

Forehead Pain

An article published by Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontics & TMJ Treatment states that headache pain is common among TMJ sufferers; however, a TMJ headache mainly in the forehead is centralized in the upper area of the head parallel with the eyes.

Tags: headache symptoms, area head, headache symptom, occur because, states that