Monday, June 22, 2009

Chinese Green Tea Health Benefits

Chinese Green Tea Health Benefits

Green tea has started showing up in grocery stores, coffee houses and even convenience stores recently. The taste of green tea is pleasant but one of the main reasons for the increased popularity in this ancient drink is the tremendous amount of health benefits it imparts. Iced green teas, flavored green teas and instant green tea drinks have made this drink accessible and simple to make for most people. As Americans have become more health conscious, their interest in herbal and alternative ways to maintain that health has increased. Green tea is one of the oldest and most effective medicinal herbs that has become popular in today's society.


Green tea is derived from the top leaves and buds of the Camellia sinensis shrub. The reason this tea is called "green" tea is because of the lack of processing that occurs. This particular tea is not fermented before being dried. Green tea is considered by many to be the purest of the teas due to this lack of processing. The taste of green tea is lighter and fresher than black teas.


Tea in general has a history of more than 4000 years. Green tea, the unprocessed first pickings of the tea plant, has been used as a medicinal herb in China for at least that long. Tea was introduced to Japan and other Eastern countries in the 6th century. In the 16th century, tea began to be drunk in Europe. Over the next 400 years, tea began to be processed and used as a trade commodity and enjoyed tremendous popularity as a drink. Over the past few decades, the medicinal properties and health benefits of tea have been studied and green tea has made a comeback as the unprocessed pure tea form.


The brewing and drinking of green tea can be a high art form. In Japan, the tea ceremony is detailed and ceremonial. In the U.S., green tea can be brewed at home from either loose leaf tea or from bags. There are also numerous premixed tea drinks available for purchase that contain green tea. The health benefits of green tea have increased the popularity of this drink. Many coffee houses also serve green tea alongside coffee and chai teas.


Green tea is the least processed of any type of tea. The leaves of the tea plant are picked and then quickly steamed. They are then dried and during the drying process are rolled, shaped and pressed. Most green tea leaves are shaped into needle or round shapes. After the shaping process is completed they are dried again. The dried leaves are shipped to wholesalers who then cut, sort and package the leaves based upon the grade and quality of the tea desired.


There are numerous health benefits to drinking green tea. Scientific studies have shown some to be accurate and others are still being studied. Ancient medicinal uses of this tea are still valid today. Some benefits to green tea include: fat burning, reduced risks of stomach and lung cancers, lowering of cholesterol, lowering of blood sugars and blood pressure as well as antiviral and antibiotic effects. Some other benefits that are being studied include green tea's ability to help ward off dementia, prevent strokes and even possibly help fight the AIDS virus. While studies are still being conducted on the benefits and possible medicinal uses of green tea, it is a well recognized fact that green tea does help maintain a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body.

Tags: health benefits, being studied, benefits green, Chinese Green, Chinese Green Health, coffee houses, drinking green