Thursday, February 4, 2010

Take A Small Amount Of Creatine For Muscle Growth

Creatine is a naturally occurring acid that gives your body energy. Protein sources, such as meat, contain creatine, which is stored in your muscles. Some people choose to take creatine supplements to give them a higher level of muscle growth. There is a finite amount of creatine that can be stored in the body before it is excreted. Therefore, it is of no benefit to load up on large doses of creatine, but rather to augment your muscle growth with small amounts of the supplement.


1. Discuss your wish to take small amounts of creatine with your doctor. People with pre-existing kidney disease may not be ideal candidates for creatine supplementation.

2. Calculate a safe and accurate dose of creatine. The Creatinemonohydrate website provides a dosing chart based on your weight. Creatine is available in powder form and is measured in grams. Dosages of the supplement are divided into the categories of "loading" (building muscle quickly) and "maintenance" (maintaining a steady level of muscle growth).

3. Spread your creatine supplementation out over your day. If you take too much of the supplement at one time, the excess amount that your muscles can't store will come out in your urine. Your body cannot hold more than 0.3 g for each 2.2 lbs of your body weight at one time.

4. Mix the creatine powder well with water or milk before drinking. As each person's recommended dosage is different, read the directions on your package to know how much liquid to use. If you decide to take a pill form of creatine, drink a full 8 oz. glass of water with each dose.

5. Take creatine as soon as you can after you work out. Your muscles will be more receptive to absorption at this time.

6. Be aware of the side effects that you may encounter when you take creatine. Some people experience muscle cramping when using this product. Indigestion and nausea may occur, as well as a change in your blood sugar levels.

Tags: creatine supplementation, level muscle, level muscle growth, muscle growth, small amounts, Some people