Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Use Winstrol V

Winstrol V is one of the latest versions of a powerful, legal anabolic steroid created from testosterone. Also known as stanozolol, this steroid has long been used by veterinarians to promote muscle growth in animals, but is also approved for human use by the FDA. While designed to treat illnesses such as anemia and certain skin conditions, many use this steroid to bulk up. Whether using this drug for medical reasons or to build muscle, read the steps below for a safe route to using Winstrol V.


1. Begin a weight training regimen on your own or with the help of a personal trainer for at least a few months before taking Winstrol V to build up muscle naturally, if muscle growth is your reason for taking the steroid.

2. Eat a balanced diet of about 30 to 50 percent protein such as lean meats and eggs, 20 to 40 percent healthy fats such as nuts and salmon, and 20 to 50 percent carbohydrates including fruits, veggies and whole grains.

3. Consult a physician about using Winstrol V, and make sure to cite all the reasons why you want to take this drug. Your doctor can help you devise a safe Winstrol V regimen or she may advise against using the drug and recommend alternatives.

4. Take the prescribed amount of Winstrol V at the same time each day (generally, prescriptions start out at about 25mg per day), preferably with a meal.

5. Continue with the prescribed dosage on a daily basis for the amount of time allotted by your doctor. Generally, this time period does not surpass six weeks.

Tags: build muscle, muscle growth, this drug, this steroid, using Winstrol