Friday, August 31, 2012

Homeopathic Cures For Bad Breath

Bad breath makes millions of people self-conscious, and it leaves a bad impression. Many medical treatments for bad breath often merely mask a smell. Homeopathic treatments, too, mask bad breath, but advocates say they also treat the cause and help the patient's mental and physical state.

Quick Treatments

Try one of the many quick treatments for bad breath. Chewing mint leaves produces a pleasant scent. Parsley helps eliminate bad breath; so do cloves. Cardamom seeds help sweeten the breath. Gargling with dissolved baking soda helps clean your tongue and any of the germs in your mouth that may be causing bad breath. Gargling with lemon and pineapple juice does the same thing. An apple a day keeps bad breath away. Unsweetened hot tea helps kill the bacteria in your mouth. Make sure to brush after every meal, and to rinse your mouth out with hydrogen peroxide before every brush. Hydrogen peroxide kills bad-breath germs.

Long-Term Treatments

Try longer-term treatments to cut bad breath off at its source. Bad breath is often caused by problems in the intestines or the sinus. Avocados will clear out food trapped in the intestines. Guava helps prevent gums from bleeding by offering tannic, malic, oxalic and phosphoric acids; calcium; oxalate and manganese. Those minerals will help keep your gums strong. Flossing every day will eliminate food between your teeth, which is one of the immediate causes of bad breath. Brushing your tongue daily is another big help.

Tags: treatments breath, your mouth, breath Gargling, breath Gargling with, breath often