Friday, February 22, 2013

Apply For Hud

Apply for HUD

The Department of Housing and Urban Development, better known as HUD, is a government agency that is designed to provide access to low-cost housing for those who cannot afford standard rental rates. HUD doesn't provide housing assistance directly to families in need, but instead helps to fund state, county, and city housing projects. Applying for HUD-backed housing assistance is generally very easy, and mostly requires you to fill out paperwork and provide some basic documentation.


1. Contact your local city or county officials to request information about housing assistance, specifically the location of the nearest housing authority. Should you not be able to contact the city or county officials that you need, you may also learn the location of the housing authority from the closest HUD field office (which you can locate in the government section of your phone directory or by visiting the HUD Field Office directory on the HUD website.)

2. Visit the housing authority to fill out an application. You will likely be required to provide proof of income, proof of identity, and a listing of anyone who will be living with you. Additional information may be requested by the housing authority office as well, which you may have to collect and return to them by a specific date.

3. Request information about Section 8 rent subsidies while at the housing authority. Section 8 subsidies are income-dependent, so you may not qualify for them if you make too much money. Additionally, not all rental property owners will accept Section 8 subsidies.

4. Purchase or request a list of rental properties from the housing authority or any other civic group in your area that provides them (such as a local Chamber of Commerce.) Contact the owners of low-cost housing on the list to inquire about whether they accept Section 8 vouchers or other forms of HUD and housing authority assistance.

5. Arrange a meeting with the manager or owner of rental properties that seem promising and who accept the type of HUD-backed assistance that you have applied for. This will let you view the properties and determine exactly how much you'll have to pay in rent each month.

Tags: housing authority, housing assistance, accept Section, city county, city county officials