Thursday, February 7, 2013

Prevent Ear Infections With Ear Candles

Prevent Ear Infections With Ear Candles

Ear candling, also known as ear coning, is an alternative medicine technique meant to clean the ear and improve overall health. Because ear candles are believed to bolster the immune system and improve the flow of lymph, they are sometimes used to treat infections and boost the immune system. Skeptics question the efficacy of ear candling; but proponents speak highly of its value. Follow these steps to learn prevent ear infections with ear candles.


1. Use ear candles to prevent future ear infections or vacuum out the debris of previous infections. Don't use ear candles to treat current ear infections.

2. See your doctor right away if you suspect that you or your child has an ear infection.

3. Cure your ear infection with conventional medicine like antibiotic ear drops. Once the cure is complete, consider taking measures to prevent future infections. Ear candling may be the cornerstone of your prophylactic measures.

4. Consider using ear candles to prevent other types of infections. Proponents of ear candling consider it a cleansing practice with far-reaching powers. For instance, many people believe it can bolster the immune system or increase the flow of lymph.

5. Learn more about the tradition of ear candling at the "Atlantis Rising" Web site (see Resources below).

Tags: immune system, bolster immune, bolster immune system, candles prevent, flow lymph, future infections