Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Can Drinking More Water Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

According to the Mayo Clinic, dark circles under the eyes are a sign of aging on par with gray hair or wrinkles. This condition is defined as round areas of pigmentation underneath each eye and can cause the patient to feel tired and unhealthy. Common causes include allergies, heredity, nasal congestion and prolonged sun exposure. Water is a simple, yet often unconsidered, treatment for dark circles under the eyes.

Drink Water

Being well- hydrated is an important step in eliminating the annoying dark circles. If your body is not receiving enough water each day, you can easily become dehydrated. Dehydration can result in reduced circulation, which causes the skin under your eyes to look dark and puffy. Water, according to caringmedical.com, also helps to flush out toxins that can cause your eyes to develop this condition. Drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.

Alcohol plays a role in dehydrating the body; the higher your alcohol intake, the higher your water intake should be. Salty drinks and foods can also contribute to reduced hydration. Foods that contain high amounts of salt include coffee, colas, chocolates and any food or drink that contains high amounts of caffeine. When these items are taken into the body, even more water should be taken in.

Another way to give your eyes direct absorption of water is to place a wet rag on your eyes while you sleep. The water will eventually seep out of the rag onto your eyes and should help in providing an adequate amount of hydration to aid in treating dark circles.

Other Treatments

The Mayor Clinic offers many other treatments to help eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Use a cold compress on your eyes to help reduce the swelling caused by dilated blood vessels. Make sure you get more sleep than you normally do, and when sleeping, use extra pillows. This prevents the collection of fluid under your eyelids. Use sunscreen and sunglasses when you are exposed to the sun to help prevent irritation and the worsening of symptoms. Skin creams that are high in vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin E are also great treatments.

Tags: dark circles, your eyes, circles under, circles under eyes, under eyes, dark circles under