Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is Seroquel Addicting

Most people are unfamiliar with Seroquel, an anti-psychotic drug used in the treatment of many mental conditions. Due to the nature of the drug, you may believe it to be addictive. People are often tapered off the drug during the course of their treatment, but it is ultimately different from most medications used for these particular disorders.


Seroquel is the brand name for the anti-psychotic drug Quetiapine that is often used to treat conditions like schizophrenia, bipolarity and other mental disorders. It essentially helps to balance the neurotransmitters of the brain, improving a person's clarity of thought, bettering a person's concentration, lessening any nervousness or anxiety that may accompany such conditions and diminishing the potential of hallucinations. Often times, Seroquel will decrease or even entirely thwart a person's extreme mood swings when found as a symptom of a particular mental condition.


Currently, Seroquel is not considered either physically or psychologically addictive. This is one of the main reasons why there has been a noted increase in prescriptions for this particular drug in the treatment on the aforementioned mental conditions. While some people may report a "high" from the use of this drug, it is not deemed addicting. When you are prescribed Seroquel as a course of treatment, you will most likely notice that your doctor will lessen the dosage as he tries to take you off the medication when the time is right. Remember, this does not mean that the drug is addictive; it simply means it is much safer for you to be tapered off the medication as your treatment progresses.

Side Effects

While Seroquel is not considered addictive, it does come with some inherent risks, much like any other prescription medication. Some of the most common side effects are fairly minor in nature, including headaches, dizziness, drowsiness or fatigue, stomachache or abdominal pain, congestion and weight gain. Usually, these types of symptoms will subside after a short period of time, but you should still consult your primary physician if you notice any of these derivatives, especially when you experiencing a worsening or prolonged effects.


Though the benefits of Seroquel will generally outweigh any of the dangers (which are fairly rare and limited), some people may actually suffer some rather severe side effects. On occasion, some people have complained of fainting, fever, sore throat, a swelling in the appendages, a worsening of their depression or anxiety, rapid heart beats, increase blood pressure and even thoughts of suicide. Not that everyone will even remotely experience one or more of these potential derivatives, you should still be aware of the possibility. Again, if you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Expert Insight

As with almost any prescription drug (and a number of herbal supplements), there is the potential that Seroquel will interact adversely to other medication you may currently be on. Generally, your doctor will already know what other prescriptions you are taking, but make sure to be upfront with her on any and all drugs in your system, especially dopamines, benztropine and cabergoline, to name a few.

Tags: Seroquel will, some people, your doctor, anti-psychotic drug, doctor will, mental conditions