Friday, September 9, 2011

Earlier Signs Of Prostate Cancer

Most men don't experience any noticeable symptoms of prostate cancer during its early stages. Symptoms normally appear after the cancer has spread beyond the region of the prostate. When symptoms do occur, they depend on what stage the cancer is in. Earlier signs of prostate cancer are usually associated with urinary problems.

Earliest Signs

Early signs of prostate cancer include difficulty urinating, decreased force in the stream and trouble starting and stopping the stream.

Other Early Symptoms

Cancer in or around the area of the prostate can cause blood in the urine and semen. Other early symptoms include painful ejaculation, difficulty having an erection and pain or burning during urination.

More Progressed Symptoms

Signs that the cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the pelvic region include swelling in the legs and discomfort around the pelvic area.


The urinary problems normally associated with early stages of prostate cancer are much more likely to be caused by benign conditions, such as an enlarged prostate or infection of the prostate.


The earlier signs of prostate cancer are also common symptoms of other diseases and conditions. Men with these symptoms should undergo testing to determine the cause of the symptoms.

Tags: prostate cancer, signs prostate, signs prostate cancer, associated with, cancer spread