Thursday, September 10, 2009

Treat Autoimmune Disorder With Milk Thistle

There are more than 80 different autoimmune disorders that affect humans. These disorders are harmful because they cause the body's immune system to attack normal, healthy cells instead of targeting mutant cells. Follow these steps to use milk thistle to treat your autoimmune disorder.


Use Milk Thistle to Treat Autoimmune Disorders

1. Know what part of the milk thistle plant has curative properties. The seeds are thought to contain the biologically active agents. Therefore you will want to harvest and use the seeds when preparing a homeopathic treatment.

2. Boil water and create a milk thistle infusion. An infusion is just a strong tea, in this case made from steeping dried milk thistle seed powder in hot water. This treatment option is best taken in the morning on an empty stomach. If you don’t like the taste of the milk thistle, add a little honey and lemon, or steep with a pouch of your favorite green or red tea.

3. Add milk thistle extracts to your drinks or food. Milk thistle comes in several different forms, including a liquid extract. To use this form of the medicinal herb simply follow the dosing directions on the bottle to determine how much of the liquid to add to your favorite teas, coffees or foods. Again, early morning is the best time to take the extract.

4. Keep things simple by taking milk thistle in its capsule form. You can find milk thistle capsules in the dietary supplement and vitamin aisle of your local department or grocery store. Generally they are sold in 300 milligram size. Follow the dosage schedule on the bottle.

Tags: milk thistle, milk thistle, Treat Autoimmune, your favorite