Friday, August 20, 2010

The Best Treatments For Shingles In The Eye

The medical term for shingles is herpes zoster. It occurs in anyone who has previously been infected with chicken pox. If you have shingles, a rash will form in a small patch on your body. The rash will be red and in a row so that it resembles the shingles on your roof. If you have shingles on or near your eye, you will want to treat it right away because it could lead to blindness.

Green Tea

Visit your local health store for some eye drops made with green tea. You will need to place two or three drops in each affected eye.

If the store doesn't have any, just make some green tea and use the leftover tea bag on your eye. Let it sit on your eye for 15 minutes. You can do this three times per day until the shingles begin to clear up. Green tea is well known for its health benefits. It contains more vitamin C than an orange and is full of antioxidants.

Boost Your Immune System

Boosting your immune system is an important part of treating the shingles. Your body needs to be able to fight off the virus that is causing the shingles. You can begin taking a multivitamin each day to maintain your health. Then add one echinacea capsule to it. Echinacea aids your immune system so that it can actively fight off any infections. It is an all-natural product that can be consumed in tea form if you don't like taking capsules.

Prescription Medications

It is important to see your doctor if you have shingles in or near your eye. The shingles can damage the cornea and leave you blind. Most likely your doctor will begin a course of antiviral medication. One of these medications is called Zovirax. It has been proven the most effective against shingles. You will need to take it daily as prescribed by your doctor. Antiviral medications are also good for reducing some of the inflammation and pain caused by shingles. The sooner you get treated, the less likely you will experience any long-term pain.

Tags: have shingles, your doctor, have shingles near, near your, rash will, shingles begin, shingles near