Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Remove A Tick From Your Body

You don't have to be exploring a field or forest to get a tick, they can find you if you are anywhere outside. Ticks can carry Lyme Disease and it is important to remove a tick whenever one is found. Ticks bites can itch and ticks are mostly found in the armpits or groin area. Here are some popular ways to remove a tick from your body.


1. Use tweezers and grab the tick as close to the head as you can get. Do not rip the tick off of you, because the head can be stuck underneath your skin! Instead, pull the tick until your skin puckers and hold it there until the tick lets go. This can happen in a few seconds or up to a minute.

2. Using a cotton ball, cover the tick in liquid soap. Swab it for about 20 seconds until the tick backs itself out. Grab the tick with the cotton ball and flush down the toilet.

3. Others have claimed that using nail polish or vasaline can help remove a tick. Cover the tick in the nail polish or vasaline and the tick will pull itself out. Then flush the tick down the toilet.

Tags: cotton ball, down toilet, nail polish, nail polish vasaline, polish vasaline