Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Treat Hearing Loss With Acupuncture

Treat Hearing Loss With Acupuncture

There are several types of hearing loss that people with normal hearing can experience. Meniere's disease occurs when the fluid levels in the ear canals are higher than normal. Dizziness and low-range hearing loss can result from Meniere's disease. Ringing, roaring and hissing in the ears for no apparent reason is called tinnitus. People with tinnitus can also experience hearing loss. Patients with Meniere's disease or tinnitus may choose to treat their conditions with acupuncture.


1. Make an appointment to have your hearing tested once you have been diagnosed with tinnitus or Meniere's disease. Your doctor may be able to perform the test or he may send you to an audiologist. It is important to have a baseline hearing level to work with before you begin to treat your hearing loss with acupuncture.

2. Keep a diary of your hearing loss symptoms. People who experience a hearing loss due to tinnitus or Meniere's disease may also exhibit symptoms such as nausea, vertigo or loss of balance. Bring your notes regarding the frequency and severity of your attacks to your acupuncture appointments.

3. Choose a certified acupuncturist who practices in your area. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) is the regulatory agency for acupuncture. The NCCAOM features a provider directory on its website that can help you find a local practitioner (see Resources below).

4. Wear comfortable clothing that provides easy access to your arms, legs and face. The acupuncturist may need to insert needles into areas of your face--near your cochlear ducts in the ear--to balance your qi (your body's energy, pronounced "chee").

5. Use acupuncture to treat stress in an effort to keep your hearing loss at manageable levels. Tinnitus can worsen during periods of high tension and stress. Discuss these issues with your acupuncturist as part of your consultation.

6. Schedule follow-up hearing tests after you have completed several acupuncture sessions. Some people feel as though their hearing has been restored after treatment, while others are not sure. A hearing test can give you scientific proof whether or not the treatments have been successful.

Tags: Meniere disease, hearing loss, your hearing, your hearing loss, experience hearing