Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why Does Seroquel Make You Sleepy

About Seroquel

Seroquel is a medication most often used for treating severe psychological disorders such as bipolar disorder. However, it is increasingly being used to treat insomnia and other sleep disorders, because of its sedating side effects. Nonetheless, using Seroquel to treat sleep disorders comprises an unregulated use of the drug, since Seroquel is a powerful antipsychotic drug. For now, it is prescribed mainly for treatment of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and fatigue is one of its chief side effects.

How Seroquel Causes Fatigue

When Seroquel enters the body in pill form, it dissolves and enters the bloodstream, where it is eventually absorbed into the brain. There, it controls the release of dopamine and serotonin, the two neurotransmitters thought to be dysfunctional in bipolar or schizophrenic patients. As with many medications, it is not known precisely how Seroquel affects the brain, only that it alleviates the psychotic symptoms of those with severe mental disorders. Seroquel causes fatigue because it interferes with serotonin, which can cause fatigue in large amounts. Moreover, Seroquel is an antihistamine. Antihistamines, such as allergy medications, fatigue the body when they enter the brain.

Treatments for Seroquel-Caused Fatigue

Many times, the fatigue caused by Seroquel fades as the patient's body adjusts to the new medication. The fatigue may never entirely go away for others, however, since everyone's body responds differently to medication and some people are more sensitive to Seroquel's side effects. However, it may help to take a lower dosage of Seroquel under a doctor's supervision. If you are a bipolar or schizophrenic patient, you may have to bide your time until you and your doctor discover the dosage that relieves your symptoms with minimum sedative effects.

Tags: side effects, bipolar disorder, bipolar schizophrenic, sleep disorders