Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How Does Colon Hydrotherapy Work


Colon hydrotherapy is a method to clean the colon. Other names are colon irrigation or colonic irrigation. In this procedure, the colon is cleansed using warm water that is inserted into the rectum to flush out impacted fecal matter and other debris. Colon hydrotherapy is a more sophisticated approach to the old-fashioned enemas.

By cleaning the colon, toxins, impurities and other materials are removed from the colon and from the lining of the colon. This procedure is considered a safe and painless way to internally clean the large intestines.

How Colon Hydrotherapy is Done

While there are still packaged enemas on the market, colon hydrotherapy is done in the office of an alternative medicine practitioner. Colon hydrotherapy is different from enemas because a lot more water is used. More of the colon is involved.

A colon hydrotherapy session takes place on a table with the patient lying on his side. There is an irrigation machine that pumps the water through the intestines. A device that is attached to a tube is gently inserted in the rectum. When the machine is turned on, warm water is pushed through the intestines. Up to 20 gallons of water is used for the hydrotherapy. Colon therapists have the option of changing the water temperature to make the patient more comfortable.

Using different water pressures is also possible. Some colon therapists use plain water while others add baking soda, herbal teas or enzymes to the water. Other options are coffee and beneficial bacteria. After the water is in the colon, it loosens impacted feces and any debris lining the walls of the colon. The waste materials and the water are flushed out of the colon through a second tube or hose. Colon hydrotherapy sessions can last an hour, especially if the procedure is repeated. The cost is around $60 to $100.

Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe way to truly scrub out the large intestines. This is important because many experts in alternative medicine think that a colon full of toxic materials leads to illnesses and pore health. For centuries, various methods of colon cleaning were advocated as a cure for many diseases. A clean colon is better able to absorb nutrients. By cleaning the colon, there is less opportunity for the toxins and harmful bacteria to be reabsorbed into the body. The water used to flush out the debris also reduces the concentration of toxins and bacteria. Cleaning the colon is one way to detoxify the body.


If colon hydrotherapy is not done properly, it can lead to tearing of the rectum and possible bleeding. This rarely happens in patients with healthy rectums and colons. According to the Mayo Clinic, "Your colon absorbs water and sodium to maintain your body's fluid and electrolyte balance. Some colon-cleansing programs disrupt this balance, causing dehydration and salt depletion." The best way to prevent such problems is to have colon hydrotherapy done by a trained and experienced colon therapist.

Tags: water used, alternative medicine, clean colon, cleaning colon, Colon hydrotherapy