Thursday, January 12, 2012

Improve Sleep Quality Using Easy Rem Strategy

Time to wake up!

Without proper sleep our minds and bodies cannot achieve maximum potential. We can't get out of bed in the morning, the bags under our eyes are visible, and we consume dangerous amounts of caffeine just to make it through the day. The first remedy that comes to mind is to get more sleep. But that is not always the case. We need quality sleep. By working with natural sleep rhythms the mind and body gets the maximum rest and rejuvenation it needs. We sleep in 90-minute cycles that consist of different phases. This article shows you maximize those cycles.


1. Understand the sleep cycle. The first stage of the 90-minute cycle lasts about 65 minutes. This is normal, non-REM sleep that is followed by 20 minutes of REM sleep. REM, or rapid eye movement, is the deepest stage of sleep and the period when we dream. The cycle is completed by 5 more minutes of non REM sleep before another cycle begins. There is a brief period between the end of one cycle and the beginning of another where we are hanging in limbo, gearing up for the next cycle. The slightest disturbance, too much light, full bladder, house sound, etc. can cause you to wake. Waking up in this "limbo" period ensures a completed sleep cycle and provides maximum rest and benefit to the body.

2. Determine what time you need to get up in the morning. We will use 7 am for this instruction.

3. Count backward in 90-minute increments to arrive at potential times to go to bed. For 7 am wake-up the choices would be 5:30 am, 4:00 am, 2:30 am, 1:00 am, 11:30 pm, 10:00 pm, 8:30 pm.

4. Review your list of potential bedtimes to determine which one fits your needs. Since you must have at least 8 hours of sleep you can rule out 1 am, 2:30 am, 4 am, and 5:30 am. As a routine, 8:30 would probably be too early, providing too much sleep and shortening your day too much. So you have narrowed your choices down to 10 pm or 11:30. Either will provide your mind and body with just what they need.

5. Set your alarm clock for your desired wake-up time, 7 am in this example.

6. Climb into bed 15 minutes before your scheduled bedtime. Take deep breaths, clear your mind and drift into sleep.

7. Wake up with your alarm clock and enjoy your high-energy day.

Tags: alarm clock, maximum rest, mind body, minutes sleep, sleep cycle, sleep that