Sunday, January 20, 2013

Signs Of Hvp

It is important to get cervical exams from your doctor regulary.

The most common sexually transmitted infection is human papilloma virus, also known as HPV. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 40 types of HPV that infect the genitals of both females and males. The mouth and throat can also be infected by HPV. It is important to know the signs of HPV to prevent infecting others and to know treat symptoms already present.

Genital Warts

Genital warts are a common sign of HPV. The warts are different in size and shape. They may appear on the anus, cervix, penis, rectum, or vulva. My body & explains the most common site of HPV is the opening of the vagina, and around the anus is the second most common. Warts may appear bumpy, small, soft, or in a cauliflower shape. The University of California at Irvine explains how symptoms appear 1-8 months after exposure to the HPV virus that causes genital warts.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers are normally a quiet sign of HPV. Unfortunately, symptoms may not show that it has progressed. Cervical exams are very important because early signs of HPV can be detected and treated before turning into cancer. The National Cancer Institute explains that HPV can cause some cancers of the anus, penis, vagina, and vulva. Severe abnormal cells are concern for cancer. Risk factors for cervical cancer in woman with HPV types are multiple sex partners, smoking and bearing many children.

Head and Neck Cancer

Throat cancer is connected to HPV because oral sex is a risk factor for contracting the virus for both male and female. The Centers for Disease Control explains signs of head and neck cancer include constant coughing, sore throat, weight loss and lumps in the neck. Cancer appearing in the vocal cords ia normally found early because it causes hoarseness. Medical specialists usually find cancers above or below the vocal cords at advanced stages.

No Signs

Most people who have been infected with HPV do not know it because there are normally no symptoms. Men and women who come in genital contact with another person can contract HPV. Both sexes are susceptible and pass it on to others without even knowing it. National Cervical Cancer public education campaign explains that a women's first sign of something wrong is an abnormal pa. However, the majority of HPV- infected women never have had an abnormal pap test.

Tags: most common, Centers Disease, Centers Disease Control, Cervical Cancer, Disease Control, explains that, vocal cords