Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Apply For The Healthy Indiana Plan

People don’t often think about having insurance until they need it. Unfortunately, sometimes when people need insurance they don’t have it. Luckily, in the state of Indiana, this problem can be taken care of with the Healthy Indiana Plan.


Apply for the Healthy Indiana Plan

1. Find out if you are eligible. The Healthy Indiana Plan is not for everyone. Finding out if you quality for the plan is the first step to applying for the Healthy Indiana Plan.

2. Calculate your monthly costs of the plan. Costs vary based on income and family size. Before you apply for the plan, research the cost for your family and decide if it is the right decision for you.

3. Determine which insurance choice is best for you. Every person who applies for HIP gets a choice of two insurance companies. Research which insurance you would like to have before you apply.

4. Get an application. Online applications are available at the in.gov website as well as available at locations around the state. If you don’t want to apply online or drive somewhere to get an application, you can also have an application mailed to you.

5. Show proof of income. You will need to show a pay stub in order to prove your income level when applying for the Healthy Indiana Plan.

6. Prove your identity. Besides your proof of income, you will also have to prove your identity before you are able to apply for HIP.

7. Find an organization in your community to help you. Questions can develop when applying for the Healthy Indiana Plan. If this is the case and you need assistance, find a local organization to help.

Tags: Healthy Indiana, Healthy Indiana Plan, Indiana Plan, applying Healthy, applying Healthy Indiana, also have