Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Kill Cotton Parasites

Have you encountered a sticky substance on cotton bud in your field? Well that's the 'sticky cotton' sign of a cotton parasite attack. Ranging from light yellow to dark green in color, cotton parasites are encountered mainly in June. These parasites suck the sap of the plant and expel a 'honeydew' kind of substance that serves as a growth medium for a black mold, which in turn interferes with the ginning and spinning of cotton fabric. This decreases the quality of the fabric produced and can negatively affect sales of the cotton. It is, therefore, important to get to the root of the matter and kill the cotton parasites using an organic, homemade pesticide.


1. Soak the garlic cloves in mineral oil for about 24 hours and strain.

2. Steadily mix fish emulsion and soap with water.

3. Combine the first mixture with the second mixture in a ratio of 2:1.

4. Thoroughly spray your crops once a week until the cotton parasites are eradicated.

Tags: cotton parasites