Monday, June 10, 2013

Holistic Remedies For A Sick Cat

Cats eat healing herbs when left to their own devices in the outdoors.

Holistic approaches to pet health require looking at the animal from a wider perspective by examining its food, environment, care and background. Some holistic remedies can be done at home by the pet owner, but more serious concerns require the experience and knowledge of a trained homeopathic or holistic veterinarian. Cats naturally seek out treatments for their concerns in the wild, and some people dislike using antibiotics and vaccinations as a form of treatment for their pets, which are both reasons for choosing holistic health care.

Home Remedies

Home remedies can be done for illnesses that are not serious or life threatening. A cat that is sick from being infested with fleas can be treated with a flea comb as well as natural oils such as cedar, tea tree or eucalyptus. A cat that is sick with allergies and itchy skin can be treated by adding essential fatty acids to their food, such as fish oil or flax seed oil supplements. Cats that are acting sick in a nervous and anxious way can be treated with flower essences, which can be found in a variety of formulas at drugstores and stores that sell essential oils. Flower essences can be added to the cat's food, water or rubbed into the skin.

Veterinarian Remedies

Veterinarians have the ability to treat sick cats holistically for more serious ailments they may be facing. Veterinarians who treat cats in a holistic manner have access to many natural supplements including Chinese herbs, vitamins and homeopathic remedies. They provide consultations for sick cats and will prescribe a combination of diet, supplements and tips for best dealing with the sick cat. Holistic veterinarians treat cats suffering from kidney failure, heart disease, allergies, cancer, liver disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, bowel disease and urinary tract infections.

Cat Food

Cat food is likely the most important element of holistic care for a cat, but it is important to consult with a veterinarian before changing a pet's diet, particularly if the animal is sick. A raw food diet, which is closer to what a cat would eat in nature, may be recommended for certain digestive ailments or other illnesses. Raw food diets can be homemade or ordered from companies who make the food and sell it to others. Other diets include food with certain types of rices, vegetables or meat content to help with various sicknesses. Holistic veterinarians and pet nutritionists can help to create a diet plan that is best for a sick cat.

Tags: Holistic veterinarians, more serious, remedies done, sick cats, sick Holistic, that sick, treat cats