Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Manage Cirrhosis

Living with cirrhosis is a reality faced each day by many people. Regardless of the chain of events that led to the development of the disease, there are a few basic common sense approaches to dealing with the condition that can help to slow or even stop the progress of cirrhosis.


1. Give up alcohol. Even when cirrhosis did not occur due to alcohol abuse, continuing to drink will only exacerbate the situation. Find other types of beverages to enjoy that will not add to the damage already done, or put additional strain on the liver.

2. Change your eating habits. Good nutrition is essential when dealing with any kind o health condition, especially one that impacts the function of a vital organ. Speak with a dietician about specific foods to include in your daily diet, as well as foods to avoid.

3. Consider supplements. Several vitamins are helpful in managing cirrhosis, such as Vitamin A and a range of the B vitamins. Minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc in the right amounts can also help to minimize some of the symptoms associated with cirrhosis, making it possible to enjoy life a little more.

4. Watch the stress levels. Stress can lead to hypertension, which will only lead to more health issues that complicates the presence of cirrhosis in the liver. Learn a few stress reduction methods, such as breathing exercises or yoga.

5. Cut back on the salt intake. Just like alcohol, salt can interfere with the body’s natural processes and put additional strain on the liver. By minimizing the salt, the chances of fluid retention are lessened, and the function of an already damaged liver will not be further impaired.

Tags: additional strain, additional strain liver, dealing with, strain liver, will only