Give to Live
One of the first steps involved with calorie restriction is sacrifice. It has to do with eliminating one particular food altogether that is being overeaten such as doughnuts, pasta or bread; it can also be reducing a little bit of multiple foods.
Pencil it In
Calorie restriction is often monitored or tracked in a journal or computer program. This is a way to keep track of daily calories and to find out where adjustments need to be made.
Just Say No
Another important aspect that goes into calorie restriction is discipline. Having the ability to walk away from a dessert table or being able to have a bite of something instead of the whole thing is not easy. But this is vitally important when it comes to lowering overall calorie intake.
Nutrient Replacements
In restricting calories, it is almost always a given to replace low-nutrient, high-calorie foods with low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods. This way the body is still getting the same amount of food, but not at the expense of high calories.