Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lower Blood Pressure In Two Weeks

High-pressure environments are a great source of high blood pressure. Both high and low blood pressure can be potentially dangerous to your health. Your doctor might inform you that you need to lower your blood pressure, but the healthiest ways of lowering your blood pressure often involve gradual lifestyle changes over time. Those who want to lower their blood pressure in under two weeks might need to eliminate several causes of blood pressure all at once in order to get such high results.


1. Cut the intake of food. Start consuming more fruits and vegetables. Eat less meat, dairy and sweets.

2. Start an aerobic exercise program. Play enjoyable sports, run, walk, or cycle. Weight training also helps since muscle requires more energy and forces the body to burn fat in order to increase the amount of energy.

3. Cut back on sodium. Do not add any salt to your meals. If you must have salt, measure the amount of salt you use. Cut that amount in half.

4. Eliminate alcohol consumption.

5. Eliminate tobacco consumption.

6. If possible, cut back on the work load. Engage in stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, light exercise, deep breathing, and fun activities. Learn to relax and not worry about work or other concerns.

Natural Remedies

7. Take garlic supplements or work more garlic into your diet.

8. Take Hawthorn supplements.

9. Take fish oil supplements or consume more fish.

10. Increase intake of folic acid. Take folic acid supplements.

11. Consume more foods with potassium. Eating more bananas is a simple way to do this.

Tags: blood pressure, folic acid, high blood, high blood pressure, your blood