Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Use Of Crystals For Spiritual Healing

Used by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese cultures to release and clean negative energy, crystals for spiritual cleansing dates back at least 5,000 years. The theory is that the crystals have vibration rates, and so do the different chakras in the aura, the energy field surrounding the human body. When placing a crystal near an affected area of the body, many people believe that the crystal can help to improve and change the body's vibration.


One of the most commonly used crystals for spiritual cleaning is the quartz. The energy of the quartz crystal is said to assist in overall healing and balance. It is used for enhancing intuition and helping in meditative practices as it helps the user focus and concentrate. According to "Working with Your Chakras" by Ruth White, the quartz cleans negative energy throughout the entire body because its specific vibration can assist with healing in all seven chakra vibration levels--the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and crown chakras. Some people believe the quartz crystal works with energies as if they were electricity and can transform, store and amplify them. It also is believed by some to transmit and strengthen the energy when used in color healing.


Each chakra is believed to correspond with different spiritual and physical ailments. Crystal users apply specific placement of a crystal to direct its spiritual cleaning to make healing more effective. The root chakra is associated with feelings around security and survival. Sexuality and reproduction are connected to the sacral chakra, and the adrenal glands are connected to the solar plexus. The heart chakra coordinates with love and compassion, while the throat chakra is connected with communication. The brow chakra is associated with the third eye and the mind, and the crown chakra is connected with the soul or high self.


People who use crystals choose a crystal color that coincides with a spiritual ailment because they believe that different colors of crystals have different properties for spiritual cleaning. The clear-white quartz can increase powers of observation and help the user's perceptions to be more clear and accurate, they believe. They say it promotes clarity of thought and helps the wearer to focus. Blue-green quartz symbolizes an open heart and acceptance. Those who need assistance with intellectual processing and thinking use brown quartz. Dark green is employed to help with shyness and light green for anxiety.

Lavender crystals are used for physical balance and yellow ones for physical energy. Light blue promotes a sense of strength and authority, crystal users say, and so it's ideal for someone who feels weak and helpless. For depression, orange, champagne and tan are used to help with happiness, and red quartz is used to promote liveliness.

Different Healing Methods

Before crystals are used for spiritual healing, they are cleaned with running water or moonlight. After use for spiritual cleaning, they are cleaned again to clear out negative energy. People who use crystals wear them on the body, carry them or place them directly on the affected chakra point. They are placed directly on the skin, and if a crystal is surrounded by any type of metal, such as silver or gold, it is believed that the crystal will not be effective. Crystal users remember the power of intention and take a moment before the cleaning to direct clear thoughts on the desired healing.

Tags: spiritual cleaning, negative energy, associated with, believe that, chakra associated