Monday, August 19, 2013

Trilex For Cold Sore Treatment

Trilex is oral an herbal supplement tablet sold online and in some retail locations. According to the makers of Trilex, the product "eradicates" the virus that causes cold sores, reducing their appearance.


The ingredients in Trilex include lysine, chaparral, clematis, thorowax root, skullcap root, angelica root, gentian root, licorice root, goldenseal and rhubarb.


Although the main advertising bylines claim that Trilex fights the oral herpes virus that causes cold sores, a closer look at the information provided by the company reveals that the intended function of Trilex is to boost your immune system to prevent flare-ups of the herpes simplex virus.


According to RxList, the lysine contained in Trilex may stop the herpes virus from growing, meaning that once an outbreak occurs, this vitamin-type substance may shorten the length of time you have the cold sore. Additionally, rhubarb also seems to have the potential to speed up the healing of cold sores, but none of the supplements in Trilex kill the herpes simplex virus.


The herb chaparral is known to pose a number of risks when taken orally, including liver and kidney damage, while clematis is also considered unsafe for oral consumption due to the risk for severe gastrointestinal irritation, warns RxList. Skullcap also has the potential to cause lung inflammation and liver problems.


Because Trilex is an herbal supplement, it is not evaluated for safety or effectiveness by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If you are pregnant or nursing or have a history of kidney or liver problems, multiple sclerosis, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune diseases, hormone sensitive cancers like those that affect the uterus or breast, endometriosis, S-protein deficiency, diabetes, spleen disorders, heart problems, uterine fibroids, hypertension, hypokalemia, appendicitis, Crohn's disease, colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, it may not be safe for you to take at least one of the herbs contained in Trilex, warns RxList.

Tags: cold sores, causes cold, causes cold sores, contained Trilex, herbal supplement